Curriculum Vitae
Submitted papers (under peer-review)
- C. Riedel, V. Schlindwein (2009) Did the 1999 earthquake swarm on Gakkel Ridge open a volcanic conduit ? - a detailed teleseismic data analysis, submitted to Journal of Seismology
- C. Riedel, A. Tryggvason, D. Silveira, M. Escuer, N. Wallenstein (2009) A three-dimensional vp and vs local earthquake tomography of Sao Miguel island / Azores, submitted to Geophysical Journal International
- V. Schlindwein, C. Riedel (2008) The 1999 - 2001 explosive volcanic episode on Gakkel ridge, Arctic Ocean reconstruction of the volcanic events from multidisciplinary observations, G-cubed, in review
Accepted and/or published papers (peer-reviewed)
- M. Hensch, C. Riedel, J. Reinhardt, The NICE group (2008)
Hypocenter migration of fluid induced earthquake swarms in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone (North Iceland), Tectonophysics 447, 80-94
- C. Riedel et al., The NICE group (2006) First results of the North Iceland Experiment (NICE), Mar. Geophys Res. 27, 267-281
- C. Riedel, A. Tryggvason, T. Dahm, R. Stefanson, R. Bödvarson, G. Gudmundsson (2005) The seismic velocity structure north of Iceland from joint inversion of local earthquake data, Journal of Seismology, Vol. 9, No. 4, 383-404
- C. Riedel, G.G.J. Ernst, M. Riley (2003) Controls
on the growth and geometry of pyroclastic constructs, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 127:121-152
- C. Riedel, T. Petersen, F. Theilen, S. Neben (2003) High b-values
in the leaky segment of the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north of Iceland: are they evidence for shallow magmatic heat sources ?, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 128:15-29
- C. Riedel, M. Schmidt, R. Botz, F. Theilen (2001) The
Grimsey hydrothermal field offshore North Iceland: crustal structure,
faulting and related gas venting, EPSL 193: 409-421
Public outreach
- C. Sesin, C. Riedel (2004) Die erste Sintflut, GEOkompakt, 1,
- C. Riedel, J. auf dem Kampe, (2004) Die Drift der Kontinente, GEOkompakt, 1,
- C. Riedel, M. Schmidt (2000) Plattentektonik und
hydrothermale Zirkulation, Der blaue Ozean, exhibition guide, EXPO project at the Norway Quay, Kiel, Germany